Glucofort Original Review | Glucofort Honest Consumer Reports

Glucofort Original Review | Glucofort Honest Review

Accomplished you know that one in ten Americans are probable to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? What was once thought of as a disease that only evolves in adults over 40 years of age has fast become a common diagnosis for teens, young adults, and even children? For those of you wondering, “so what?” it isn’t leisurely to live with such a condition as it has since been linked to raised thirst and hunger, exhaustion, and blurred vision, just to name a few.

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Sure, there are pharmaceutical drugs for it, but there have to be other ways to rev desirable results, right? As per our analysis, one extra measure (aside from making changes to one’s diet and exercise regime) worth believing is all-natural supplements. Naturally speaking, such solutions have long existed in society and are only making ringlets in recent times. Will historical use conquer scientific evidence? The ambition of this review is to introduce an all-natural supplement called Glucofort.

What Is Glucofort?

Glucofort is a developed blood sugar support procedure that eliminates the root cause of type 2 diabetes. In so doing, individuals can live a healthful life that constitutes blood sugar levels within normal ranges and improved glucose metabolism. In spare, the extra fat that is usually at the neck of many of our vital organs will have dissipated, allowing individuals to free themselves from health implications.

Glucofort is founded on one man’s narrative that led to a community filled with health. 50-year-old Andrew Freeman is a practicing psychologist with 20 years of experience. When he was informed of his type 2 diabetes diagnosis, he couldn’t obtain what he heard, particularly knowing how meticulous he has been regarding his health.

With high doses of metformin and restrictions imposed left, right, and center, he determined to develop a possible solution that is safe yet effective. After spending months on research, Andrew claims to have discovered the “diabetes-reversing” secret hidden in Tibet. One thing led to the next, and Andrew met Tibetan expert Dr. Jun.

How Does Glucofort Work?

Glucofort works by managing a special molecule that compels fat to burst within the blood while strengthening the arteries at the same duration. Not only that, but this fat origin is also triggered into attacking the liver, pancreas, and the heart, all of which have direct links to type 2 diabetes. What might this molecule be? It revolves out that it is none other than ceramide.

As clarified by Andrew, “these foreign compounds force the fat cells to build into the bloodstream. In this method, they clog vital organs, starting with the liver, [moving towards] the pancreas and finishing with the heart.” Given that the pancreas is answerable for producing insulin, a blockage from within creates a massive restriction. This is an issue because insulin is the hormone responsible for sending out announcements to bodily cells that glucose is available for consumption.

To add to the latter, when glucose is not taken up by vital cells and organs, it remains in the bloodstream with time, hence, boosting blood sugar levels. When both the liver and heart are under attack, as noted above, the arteries end up getting clogged as well. This leaves someone with an increased risk of developing heart-related diseases and fatty livers.

Ultimately, Glucofort activates the “diabetes-reversing mechanism” so that ceramides are flushed out of one’s system. This suffices to control fat cells from traveling through the bloodstream and causing unwanted damages. With this introductory knowledge, it becomes imperative to assess how exactly these toxic compounds can be destroyed. The best way, of course, is by assessing the components list!

Ingredients Inside Glucofort

The ingredients found inside Glucofort are a mixture of roots, barks, plants, trees, and berries, all of which are usually consumed as a tea in Tibet. Since the exact ratios can smoothly vary with teas, this supplement contains all of the following ingredients in capsules form:


Mukul myrrh generally referred to as guggul, is a tree native to India. Much of its medicinal possessions’ rests in the tree’s resin, which as per one source that concentrated on scientific findings, can induce a reduction in triglyceride levels and cholesterol levels.

Another reference insists that evidence is lacking because only animal models have been considered regarding blood sugar levels. A more recent study appears to have had a contradicting result; namely, researchers highlighted that guggul was “statistically ineffective” at bringing down blood sugar levels among type 2 diabetic patients.

Bitter Melon

Bitter melon can be considered as a prickly and bitter vegetable that resembles a cucumber but without any water content per se. As for its possibility in bringing blood sugar levels within normal ranges, one review highlighted that a component responsible for delivering bodily organs and cells with energy gets triggered upon the ingestion of bitter melon. Recognized as AMPK (or activated protein kinase), upon activation, it might help to “increase fat oxidation and glucose tolerance. ”

Another reference that reported on a 2015 study with 95 participants confirmed bitter melon’s hypoglycemic effects. Yet, it is not as effective as a type 2 diabetes medication called glibenclamide. To our amazement, it was also highlighted that “for every study finding a positive result, there seems to be two with negative findings.”


Licorice root is a flowering plant whose root is considered as an option to sugar and, to some extent, conventional medicine. A study consisting of rats that obtained 1g/kg body weight of licorice daily for 60 days reported a reversal in the adverse effects of diabetes. Similarly, it helped to “restore the total antioxidant capacity of diabetic rat kidneys,” leading researchers to conclude that “licorice might have a potential therapeutic effect for diabetes due to its antioxidant and – hyperglycemic possessions. ”

Another study consisting of human subjects reported that dried licorice extract alongside a calorie-restricted diet decreased the number of health markers, including waist circumference, fat mass, serum levels of vaspin, and insulin resistance, among others.


The effect of cinnamon on blood sugar levels has always been of welfare within the scientific community, and to date, results have been favorable. One-piece noted that taking a minimum of 1g of cinnamon can give rise to improved blood sugar levels and healthy triglyceride levels. To add to the latter, it is believed that cinnamon works to fight diabetes by imitating the role of insulin, i.e., improving glucose uptake by our bodily cells. This, in turn, will boost insulin sensitivity and decrease insulin resistance.

Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema Sylvestre is a plant that flourishes in India’s tropical forests. Considered the “destroyer of sugar” by Ayurvedic experts, this component is trusted to help normalize blood sugar levels for type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients. Speaking of type 2 diabetes, a piece reported on the findings of one study that looked at the effects of Gymnema Sylvestre on patients with type 2 diabetes. Analogized to the placebo group, this plant helped lower blood sugar levels, stressing that the decline was far more when taken with a meal.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a sulfur-containing combination that the body naturally produces. A lack thereof can lead to a substantial reduction in energy production within the mitochondria. Its relationship with type 2 diabetes has been extensively studied, leading to strong proof of the former easing the latter. To be more detailed, several studies have reported improved insulin resistance, reparation of nerve damage, and ALA as a valuable treatment for cancer.

Banaba Leaf

Banaba leaves come from a plant that is mostly grown in India. Like a couple of ingredients in this formula, banaba is yet another one that the scientific society has not dived into. There are several animal models; nevertheless, those including humans are very minimal, if not too outdated to count as evidence.

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However, this ingredient appears to have been cut because it is authorized to house corosolic acid. Corosolic acid can be helpful because of its antihyperlipidemic and antioxidant properties, two components that can improve glucose uptake by bodily cells and better manage lipid metabolism. Outcomes should be taken with a grain of salt until more studies are published.


Yarrow is a flowering plant home to the Asteraceae species. It includes a significant source of inulin, also referred to as a prebiotic. When looking at the effects of inulin on type 2 diabetes and obese patients, one systematic review found 11 articles that met their criteria. In the end, the team noted that of the 11 studies under investigation, only one was able to prove that it is helpful for type 2 diabetic patients. That said, contradicting results were reported among type 2 diabetic and obese patients. Therefore, its overall significance needs to be further studied to make strong claims.


Juniper berries resemble blueberries in shape and color but are larger. One possible reason for retaining these berries in Glucofort could be its rich source of antioxidants, which are known to free the body of foreign invaders. One source reported several analyses that have since indicated a reduction in blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in rats with diabetes. While this is comforting, stronger claims are usually made when human subjects are concerned. Luckily, initial results like these are great indicators of how much further researchers can study the matter.

White Mulberry

White mulberry is a popularly known herb for treating diabetes. One investigation that investigated the effects of white mulberry leaf tea on rats with type 2 diabetes noticed changes within hours. Nevertheless, with time, the results are said to have faded. As described by the researchers, after four weeks, no significant improvement was detected regarding body weight gain, blood glucose, glucose tolerance, and serum insulin, among a list of health markers. The investigators still stand by the herb’s ability to reduce lipids in the blood but aren’t as confident when it comes to blood sugar.


L-taurine is an amino acid that helps the body to absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins. While studies on the link between L-taurine and blood sugar levels aren’t as designated as one would think, the consensus is that it can cause an expansion of blood vessel function for type 2 diabetic patients. This is deemed a necessary step; otherwise, the insulin hormone will not be terminated, resulting in the addition of glucose in the blood.


Cayenne pepper contains highly concentrated capsaicin, which is authorized to aid those with type 2 diabetes. As per the reportings of one study, taking capsaicin did lower the blood glucose levels of diabetic rats. The authentic mechanism through which this is achieved concerns improving insulin and glycogen levels. After further research, we found a review that summarized that cayenne might aid in increasing fat oxidation, improving insulin sensitivity, decreasing body fat, and improving heart, pancreas, and liver functions.

Other ingredients include vitamin C (50mg), vitamin E (15mg), biotin (300mcg), magnesium (125mg), zinc (7.5mg), manganese (1mg) and chromium (76mcg).


Who is Glucofort suitable for?

Glucofort is appropriate for anyone with type 2 diabetes, no matter how severe the condition has become, the length of diagnosis (recent versus long-term), age, gender, etc. This procedure is trusted to reverse type 2 diabetes within 180 days. Depending on each case, some may see outcomes sooner than others.

Is Glucofort safe?

Glucofort is 100% natural, and hence, deemed safe and useful. The sales page avows that “thousands of people enjoy taking Glucofort every day,” and not one complaint has since been received. Bear in mind that all capsules have been manufactured in the U.S. in an FDA-registered and GMP-certified facility. Above all, components prone to triggering side effects appear to have been avoided completely.

How should Glucofort be taken?

One Glucofort capsule should be consumed daily with supper and half a glass of water.

What results can be anticipated from taking Glucofort?

Originally, no changes will be experienced, and this is fair given that the body needs time to adapt to new nutrients. Five days later, anxiety levels are trusted to decrease gradually. By the 7-day mark, energy levels will likely go up, and sleep patterns will have better.

The 11th day is what marks a noticeable change in one’s blood sugar levels. From here on, tasks should continue to drop. With continued drops in readings, a similar trend will be experienced in fat across the body. In expansion, factors including curbed appetite, increased strength, and the ability to achieve plenty will start to reveal themselves. Suppose finally seeing all health markers falling within normal ranges! Well, to see such a positive difference, individuals might have to continue this solution for at most three months.

Has Glucofort been tested?

Andrew declares that 160 men and women, ranging between the ages of 20 and 82, have volunteered to give Glucofort a try. Selected participants were either pre-diabetic, newly diabetic, or have suffered from long-term diabetes. In complement to their respective Glucofort supplies, a form was provided to track their progress. As an outcome, the following results were reported:

  • Glucose levels were bettered.
  • Stimulated weight and fat loss (21 lbs in 6 weeks)
  • Lowered blood pressure and fasting blood sugar levels
  • Improved cardiovascular and cognitive health

What if Glucofort does not work?

Not all supplements work for everyone, and for this reason, Glucofort has been protected by a 60-day money-back guarantee

How much does Glucofort cost?

Glucofort bottles come with 30 capsules each. Detailed below are discounted rates with every additional unit purchased:

Shipping and handling fees will (S&H) vary based on location. For the sample, an order of Glucofort within the U.S. will lead to $6.95 in S&H, whereas shipping is free for bulk purchases. Orders to be shipped to Canada will incur $12 in S&H, while countries such as Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom will have to fork up $15.95 in S&H.

Affiliate Disclosure: The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product suggested at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial squad and please know we only recommend high-quality products.

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